5 Steps to a Growth-Centered Website Management Strategy

5 Steps to a Growth-Centered Website Management Strategy

Guest post by Carla Lopez, boomerbiz.org Perhaps you don’t get much traffic to your business website, and it’s been a year or two since you even updated it. In fact, sometimes you might wonder if paying for your own domain is even a worthwhile investment. But with the help of a web design agency like […]

Keeping Your Small Business Digitally Secure

Guest post by Carla Lopez, boomerbiz.org If you’re running a small business, you’re certainly taking advantage of an online presence. The internet and online sales are invaluable to any small business. In fact, some small businesses exist only online. As such, it’s important as a small business owner or aspiring entrepreneur to understand cybersecurity. By […]

20 things to think about in 2021 when designing your website

Website Design

1. Know your target audienceA little research about your target audience can go a long way. Knowing who they are and what they want gives you an advantage over your competition right from the get-go. Imagine you are visiting your website for the first time as a potential customer. Navigate through your customer’s journey. What […]

WordPress Maintenance – A Free Guide

Why WordPress Maintenance Not so many years ago, nobody worried much about website maintenance. Websites were very simple, written in plain HTML with a few pictures and maybe a contact form.  They were built to be viewed on a standard size desktop monitor. Once the website was built and working, you could pretty much forget […]

Why We Build WordPress Websites

We design and develop WordPress websites exclusively. We’ve used many different platforms in the past, including hand-coding, Joomla and others. WordPress has become the dominant player in the website design world, powering almost 30 % of all websites worldwide. I strongly believe your next website should be built using WordPress too. 1. WordPress websites let […]

SEO Pitfalls with a Website Redesign

Search Engine Optimization

The biggest mistake I see amateur or inexperienced web designers make when doing a website redesign is neglecting to do proper page redirects. This may sound like some “geeky” thing, but it could cost your business dearly. What is a page redirect? Let me give you an example. Let’s say your old site had an […]

The Need for Speed

The Need for Speed

According to Google, “Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions.” If your website is excruciatingly slow, not only will the search engines penalize you, but your visitors will click the back button on their browser faster than a Budweiser disappears at a NASCAR race. Unfortunately, among the many advantages of using […]

Why Do WordPress Websites Need Regular Backups?

WordPress Backups

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Although most every website hosting company recommends regular backups of your website files and database, most site owners rarely have recent backups to restore their site in an emergency. Many assume the hosting company makes backups, but they are mostly […]

Best Places to Find Free Images Online

Free Images Online

If you often use images you find online for blog posts or any other use for that matter, it’s essential to have a go-to list of websites where you can find images quickly and effectively. Just as important is that your list of websites are clear and concise about their legal restrictions. Below you will […]

Business Websites Done Right

Business Websites

As with all things, there is a right way to build business websites and a wrong way to build them. Just about every business has a website these days, so what makes one good and another bad? There are many variables that mean the difference between a good business website and a bad one based […]